Appreciating HashtagMeToo

I was just telling my grown daughter, Natalie, about the events of the other night and she said I should blog about it—that it is a perfect example of why the #MeToo movement got started. My thoughts about the matter tumble “like a restless wind inside a letter box” (thank you John Lennon) as they make their way “across the universe” and back into my open mind and heart with hurricane force. I know that the reason this episode hit … Continue reading

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I Can Hear Janis Joplin Laughing

Pete and I were just watching the latest episode of “Mad Men” which concluded with Big Brother and the Holding Company’s version of “Piece of My Heart”.  I said to Pete, “That should bring in a nice chunk of change for the guys.” I meant that quite sincerely. Pete and I are friends with most of the original band, and we’re always happy when fellow artists stand to make royalties on old recordings, but especially on AFTRA accounts, not the … Continue reading

Posted in Rock 'n Roll Stories | 1 Comment

“Let’s Dance”: Meeting Chris Montez in 1962

Growing up in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles in the ‘50s and early 60s was exciting. Being so near Hollywood, everybody was always working on some scheme that was going to shoot them to stardom and all their big talk made anything seem possible. Meanwhile, my mother was a widow raising four children on her own, so her feet were planted firmly on the ground. I had a lot of responsibility helping look after two younger brothers, but … Continue reading

Posted in Rock 'n Roll Stories | 4 Comments

Cooperation or Competition: Which is the true key to human evolution and why does it matter?

Does anybody else out there remember the first time you were told that you have to compete to “make it” in the world? I don’t remember the exact date and time, but I do remember that it was some time in Junior High School that I was introduced to the concept of Competition—the Survival of the Fittest. I remember being admonished not to help someone with studying for a test because the test would be graded on a curve and … Continue reading

Posted in This and That | 3 Comments


The Women’s Power Strategy Conference  Last weekend (or a few weeks ago—where do the days go#?!), I spoke at The Women’s Power Strategy Conference. We were a panel of four women and moderator, Patricia Davis, who had in common our creative work and coping with chronic illness and/or tragedy. Two of the women had unbelievably sad stories, but they inspired me with their courage. I don’t find sad events depressing—they’re part of life, and I’m happy to be alive to … Continue reading

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Living With Lupus

I have had Lupus for many years. It has extracted an exorbitant toll on my ability to move freely, to run, dance, play tennis, and even walk. It has taken from me much, but it has also left me gifts…one very big one. It has forced me to come to terms with living with contradictions. I have come to understand that two seemingly incompatible theories are often both true: fate and freewill, we have control over our lives/ we have … Continue reading

Posted in Lupus | 1 Comment

We Built This City

  Once again, Starship’s We Built This City was voted the worst song of the eighties. My husband, Pete Sears, who was in Starship, agrees with the assessment for the same reason critics and ex-fans seem to hate it so much. In fact, he didn’t really play bass on the damn song. Starship’s new producer at the time, Peter Wolf (not the singer—the Austrian producer, fabricator of hit pop songs and sounds) had Pete sample his bass notes into a … Continue reading

Posted in Jefferson Starship | 3 Comments

Extraterrestrial Life & Time Travel

Two of the most exciting scientific discoveries of my lifetime occurred this year—right up there with the moon landing and the birth control pill. The Kepler space telescope opened up the heavens to us and there they were: Billions of planets right here in our own galaxy—some of them with temperate, earth-like conditions that could support life! The territory of nut-job space enthusiasts and sci-fi fanatics is now being encroached on by mainstream scientists with their full array of equipment … Continue reading

Posted in Extraterrestrial Life & Time Travel | 1 Comment

Facebook–Trying to Get it Right

Slowly, agonizingly hesitantly, I attempted to enter the vast playground of Facebook. A friend who knows everything offered to come over and set it up for me. We decided that I should have two accounts–one for people interested in my writing and music and broad spectrum conversation, and one for grandma brag pictures and videos of tiny tots eating their noodles and other such activities one finds fascinating if one has carried the mother of said tot in her arms thirty years … Continue reading

Posted in This and That | 1 Comment

“Family Values” anthology reading

Sunday, Nov. 13th, I did a reading from the just released anthology, Tales From The House Band, at Borderlands Book Store in San Francisco. Pete had a gig, so he couldn’t be there, but our children and their spouses attended, as did four of my best friends. Six of the other authors were there and also did readings. This is a great collection of stories! I am enjoying getting to know the local writers’ community and am finding them delightfully individualistic with hints of eccentricity. … Continue reading

Posted in Book Readings, Short Stories and Articles | 1 Comment