Category Archives: This and That
Cooperation or Competition: Which is the true key to human evolution and why does it matter?
Does anybody else out there remember the first time you were told that you have to compete to “make it” in the world? I don’t remember the exact date and time, but I do remember that it was some time in Junior High School that I was introduced to the concept of Competition—the Survival of the Fittest. I remember being admonished not to help someone with studying for a test because the test would be graded on a curve and … Continue reading
Posted in This and That
Facebook–Trying to Get it Right
Slowly, agonizingly hesitantly, I attempted to enter the vast playground of Facebook. A friend who knows everything offered to come over and set it up for me. We decided that I should have two accounts–one for people interested in my writing and music and broad spectrum conversation, and one for grandma brag pictures and videos of tiny tots eating their noodles and other such activities one finds fascinating if one has carried the mother of said tot in her arms thirty years … Continue reading
Posted in This and That
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